Tagged: United Kingdom

A Little Me Time in London

Spent a few days in London this weekend to care for my soul a bit. We should do a little more soul care if you ask me. As per usual I fell in love with this city. I will live there one day. I mean it! Anyway here’s a few shots and a song by Doves, because it reminds me so much of when I first fell for London.

Processed with VSCOcam with se3 presetFound this little market on Saturday afternoon. It took all my will power not to eat everything after just having brunch with some pals. I got a Bloody Mary instead.

IMG_1871Arrived by train near King’s Cross Station. The architecture here is just my favorite.

IMG_1878Ate lunch and had a few ales here, a little place called The Crown and Shuttle. I love the culture of cask ales in the UK. Smooth and creamy and delicious. You can understand why they have such a culture of beer when it’s so tasty.

IMG_1875Took a long stroll listening to the song below on my commute to work (a coffee shop in Shoreditch).


London was a quick trip, but I got to see many friends I haven’t seen in a couple years and am already making plans to return. It feels so nice to be so close to my favorite city in the world.
